News Update on Orphan Education Program (29th May 2016)

Di |2016-05-29T19:55:22+02:00Maggio 29th, 2016|Categorie: Nepal, OCP, Progetti|Tag: |

Dear supporters, A new ‘Orphan Education Program’ that has launched from the May of this academic year of 2016/017 is now on progress as according to the vision from our founder Ven. Lama Ngawang Kunga La and the board members of Foundation Himalaya’s Children Foundation, Switzerland. In the last week of April, after the enrolment

A brief report of the visit to ‘Laprak’ village on march 11/12, 2016 Under Orphan Education Program

Di |2016-03-23T10:16:46+01:00Marzo 23rd, 2016|Categorie: Nepal, OCP, Progetti|

On March 11, 2016, Lama Ngawang Kunga La, Khenpo Tashi La, Mr. Rijal, Mr. Tara (Jeep driver) and Narmaya Gurung (local lady from Laprak, Gorkha) headed early at 7:00 AM from Pokhara to ‘Laprak’ (a village which was damaged massively by the devastating earthquake in Nepal) in search of those needy children who have lost

Fondazione Himalaya’s Children Rassegna 2016

Di |2016-01-10T20:00:31+01:00Gennaio 10th, 2016|Categorie: Nepal, OCP, Progetti|

Scuola Nell’anno scolastico 2016 il numero degli allievi alla Great Compassion Boarding School è cresciuto ulteriormente: la scuola conta ora 266 allievi, 43 in più rispetto all’anno precedente. Se da un lato il numero crescente di allievi conferma la fiducia che molte famiglie ripongono nel nostro lavoro e riflette il desiderio di garantire ai propri figli una

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